Understanding the world

Bug Hotel Role Play Pack
Bug Hotel Role Play Pack
Bug Hotel Cut Out
Welcome sign
Bug hotel background
Chalkboard sign

Spring Collage
Spring Collage Cut & Stick - use with pencils, pastels and other media for the children to create their own spring themed pictures

St. Patrick’s Day - Fine Motor
Fine Motor cut outs to use with loose parts - 14 different designs and a table sign

St. Patrick’s Day - Funky Fingers
Funky Finger board to use with loose parts, cut outs & table sign

St. Patrick’s Day - Colouring/Watercolour sheet
A lovely St. Patrick’s Day Colouring Sheet you could use with a variety of media

Chocolate Playdough Mats - Easter
Easter Egg theme chocolate playdough mats
Mats x2
Chocolate heart and egg cut outs
Table Sign

Peekaboo! Who’s Hiding - Easter/Spring
Easter & Spring theme ‘Peekaboo’ what can you see…
What can you see mat
Magnifying glass cut outs
Table sign
Use with post-it notes or children can write a list on whiteboards/paper

Easter Basket Ten Frames
10 frame Easter Basket
Addition Eggs
Blank eggs (write your own numbers)
Table sign

What Can You See? - Minibeast
Minibeast theme ‘What Can You See’ Polariod - 3 different sheets & flower cut outs

Peekaboo! - Who’s Hiding?
Peekaboo - Find the animals!
The children can either label on the sheet or you could laminate and they could write on whiteboards or even use post-it notes
Magnifying glasses
Table sign

Cheeky Chicks
Cheeky Chicks - Writing Sheet
The children can write words or sentences to describe the chicks e.g - ‘the chick is yellow and fluffy’
Chick and sunflower cut outs
Table sign

What’s in the Garden?
A lovely Spring writing prompt activity. The children can use the magnifying glasses to ‘spot’ what they can see
What’s in the Garden mat
Magnifying Glasses
Table Sign
Writing sheet